After two days of wandering around Zurich, we woke up and packed our bags to fly home to NYC after a 3-week tour of Italy and Switzerland. Coty had looked up a little something in advance that he knew I would love. One of the worlds largest cacti & succulent gardens was about 20minutes away from us. We only had a couple of hours to get there and get back to take the train to the airport.
Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich
It was a pretty chill, overcast day but we couldn't resist seeing all the plants they had covered outside protected by the weather. I wish we would have had a little more time here; I would have loved to ask a ton of questions about how they protected the plants and how that worked.
For how expensive Zurich it's hard to believe that seeing this succulent collection is FREE. The grounds were well cared for, and everyone there seemed really friendly and happy to answer any questions. It was a refreshing escape from the busy city life and the walk over along the lakeshore was beautiful.