What kind of camera do you use? I use the Fuji X100s, it's perfect for my needs. I hated feeling weighed down by my Canon DSLR and having to decide which lens to pack. It was just too much for me. Once I got the portable Fuji with manual controls, I was instantly inspired to get out shooting again. It felt like my old Canon-AE1 film camera and for that reason I love it. 

Did you take all the photos for your blog? All images are taken by myself or my fiancé, Coty Tarr, unless otherwise stated. We often travel together and take the photos as a team. Please do not use my images without my consent. All images © ROAM & SCOUT

How do you afford to travel? I do a ton of research, I budget, I plan, I save. Unlike a lot of travel bloggers this blog isn't paying my bills.

How do you get the time off? I'm a freelancer photo retoucher working for myself. I work hard and I like to enjoy my time off. As a creative it's easy to burn myself out and I need to let my eyes rest when I can. 

What do you do with your dogs when you travel? Luckily our family enjoys watching our pups as we travel. 

Do you ever travel alone? No, I like to travel with others. Whether it's my boyfriend, friends or family. I really enjoy sharing experiences with other people. 

What destinations are on your wish list? Phuket, Thailand / Oslo, Norway / Lisbon, Portugal. Ugh, there are so many!

Do you keep track of the money you're spending on your trips? Usually, I keep a spreadsheet and know in advance how much I've allotted for things. Every couple of days I update my spreadsheet to make sure to stay on track or at least know what I'm spending. 


If you have any additional questions, please email me! xx ASH