• Using your phone, take photos of all your travel documents in case of emergency. That includes your Passport and back and front of credit cards, driver’s license, and health insurance cards, and any other important documents you’ll be carrying.

  • Photocopy your passport so you can put a copy in each one of your bags.

  • Do your laundry. There’s nothing worse than waiting on clothes to dry the night before your flight.

  • Clean the house; you’ll thank yourself when you return.

  • Check the weather to make sure you packed appropriately.

  • Take note of what you have in the fridge and try to eat the perishables. If you’re pressed for time, offer what will spoil while you’re away to a friend or neighbor, so nothing goes to waste.


  • Make sure dishes are cleaned and the sink and countertops have been wiped down so they don't attract bugs.

  • Set your email’s auto-response message to “out of office” (The. Best. Feeling. “CYA later, losers!”)


  • Unplug extension cords and anything that doesn’t require constant power while you’re away. This will conserve energy as well as money.

  • Set the heat/air conditioner to a low maintenance temperature. You don’t want your empty house to burn energy heating or cooling itself when you aren’t there. Don't forget, though, to consider any pets staying behind and what temperature will keep them comfortable!

  • Water your plants (yay, to all my green thumb people out there!)

  • Check the fridge once more for any leftover perishables.

  • Take out the trash and recycling.


  • Let neighbors know you'll be leaving. I give mine a set of keys to keep an eye on things, or for in case of an emergency. I also ask them to pick up the mail, to keep the mailbox from filling, (in return they get a cool gift!). Another option is to put your mail on hold. If you let your mail pile up it can draw unwanted attention and let the wrong people know you aren't home. Also, don't forget about watering the plants.

  • Call the bank and your credit cards to put a travel notification on your accounts. Remember to inform them of countries in which you may have layovers.

  • Pay in advance the bills that will be due while you're away.


Did I miss anything? Is there anything else that you do before leaving on a big trip?  Xx ASH