OPPPS. WRONG TURN // 07.03.15

When I look at this photo, I’m reminded that a terrible experience can be turned into an enjoyable experience when surrounded by friends, a beautiful sunset, and delicious boxed wine. We took a wrong turn while trying to find a natural swimming hole somewhere in Arizona. About a mile down the dirt road, our friend’s transmission went out as we were turning around. We pushed the car off the road in the 90-degree heat, then waited about four to six hours for a tow truck. Luckily we had two cars, and we could pack into the other to keep going while the car got fixed.

Our trip started in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where we met up with some friends. From there we’d head to Santa Monica for a week then travel up the coast to Monterey then to Yosemite from there.

The car breaking down happened on the second day of a three-week trip for us. For whatever reason, I believe it was meant to happen. Maybe so that we could appreciate how smoothly the rest of the journey would be? We were supposed to go camping that night, but by the time we made it to the campground, they were already full for the night. We ended up in the dirtiest Super 8 in the middle of nowhere and were excited by a 10 pm trip to Burger King. Sometimes things happen when you travel, so you have to make the most of it and hope to learn a little along the way.