If your a frequent traveler you've probably seen images of the iconic Valley of Ten Peaks or Moraine Lake at some point. Admittedly, this is easily the single most beautiful view I've ever seen. The blue glacier-fed waters with the distinct ten peaks in the background, combined with the hovering moon and mirrored reflections, were simply too much to take in at once. 

We arrived to Moraine before the sun began to rise, there were just a couple of cars in the parking lot. It was so quiet, so peaceful, the air was crisp and I felt like a kid in a candy store. As we walked from the parking lot to the lake I couldn't believe just how much cooler it felt as we approached the water. From a distance the water looked like a medium blue, but not like the bright blue-turquoise color I expected. I was surprised the water was so clear and there were so many logs visible under the surface. 


As the sun began to rise we decided to climb the Rock Pile to relax and watch as the light began to break over the peaks. We followed the path around to the stairs on the back end of the rock pile. It was a easy couple of minutes and about 100 steps before we were are the top and left speechless. The 360 views left us spinning in circles as the light quickly changed and started peaking over the mountains. 

We spent about a half hour up there taking photos, hanging out on the rocks and soaking it all in. After a while, there were a lot of photographers up there eager to get the perfect shot. We snuck off to a quiet area and sat before heading back down to the shoreline.

Once at the bottom we walked around the giant rock pile and headed towards the Moraine Lake Lodge to use the restroom and grab a snack. From there we looked at our options for trails around the Lake and ended up deciding on the Consolation Lake Trail which you can read my blog post here. Although this is one of the shorter blogs of the places we visited in Banff it was absolutely my favorite. I feel like I struggled to come up with the words for how incredible it was to see Moraine Lake. I can't wait to go back and I wish that everyone could experience being here staring out into the mountains I’ll just let these photos speak for themselves.


WHEN TO VISIT - Before you start planning know that Moraine Lake Road is usually closed between late October and May. So you’ll want to aim to visit in the summer months.

TIME OF DAY - Because this is the most popular spot to visit in Banff you’ll want to save this for a day you can be there first thing. I’m talking before or as soon as the sun starts to come up. Why?

  • You’ll be able to park in the main lot, that can often fill by 7am depending on the weather and time of year.

  • The Rock Pile won’t be swarming with people

  • Tour buses aren’t usually there that early.

  • Trails will be empty, allowing you to get enjoy the quiet time.

Sadly, if you don’t there early you take the risk of not being able to enter the parking lot and may have to park along the road and walk a bit. Sometimes that isn’t even an option and you’d have to try and find parking at Lake Louise Village or the Lake Louse overflow lot take the shuttle in.

If you can’t get there first thing, aim to be there after 6pm or 1-2 hours before sunset. Things often calm down around then and the lighting will be much softer for your photos.

LOGISTICS - There are so many spots to see in Banff, Yoho, and Jasper you’ll want to plan out an itinerary or at least look at a map to know what to plan first. I’d recommend trying to see Moraine earlier in your trip so in case you run into any hick ups you don’t miss it.

We visited Moraine Lake on Day 2 of our trip, along with Consolation Lake then we jumped in the car and did the Icefield’s Parkway. On Day 3 we visited Lake Louise and hiked Plan of Six Glaciers Trail. Try to save the more popular spots for earlier in the morning.

WHAT TO BRING - Like most places in Banff you’ll want to pack layers and have a few options with you if the weather changes. Along with that be sure to pack some snacks and water. Last but not least make sure you have a camera and all your batteries charged. You won’t want to miss out on capturing these views!

Do you have any tips for visiting Banff or anything special to share? If you are looking to plan a trip to Moraine Lake and have questions, please comment below!! xx ASH